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西安奥法光电技术有限公司Faraday Rotator Glass/Magneto-Optical Glass


西安奥法光电技术有限公司Faraday Rotator Glass/Magneto Optical
Faraday Rotator Glass / Terbium Doped Glass / Magneto-Optical Glass
西安奥法光电技术有限公司研制和生产高费尔德常数的磁旋光玻璃Faraday Rotator Glass/ Magneto Optical Glass,耐高温玻璃;低温封装玻璃粉和导电银桨用玻璃粉和其它特殊光学玻璃;拥有全部材料配方、制造工艺和生产装备的自主知识产权和专有技术,二硅化钼MoSi2电热元件及耐高温结构件已申请国家发明专利(号码2003101058656)同时,生产和加工各种精密光学产品。


* 逆磁性的法拉第磁旋光玻璃元件(Diamagnetic Faraday Rotators Glass牌号MR1),其灵敏度高,旋光特性(Verdet Constant费尔德常数)几乎不受环境温度(-55―+135摄氏度)变化的影响,高Verdet常数0.071-0.075min/Oe.cm at 632.8nm, 达国际先进水平;是根据法拉第“磁旋光效应”原理制作新型电子式电流互感器Magnet Optic Current Transform(MOCT)、磁光传感器、高稳定度旋光仪、偏光仪等高科技产品的核心部件。目前国内外市场上,是灵敏度最高的与温度变化无关的磁旋光玻璃。

* 顺磁性的法拉第磁光玻璃(Faraday Rotators Glass)及旋转元件(Faraday Rotators), 牌号MR3-2,MR3,MR4,其费尔德常数(Verdet Constant)分别为-0.33,-0.34,-0.38min/Oe-cm  at 632.8nm 是目前旋光性能最高的磁光玻璃材料,光谱透过范围宽400nm-1600nm、透过率高、非线性指数n2低、高消光比、质量因数M等其它技术指标稳定可靠;各向同性、易加工。是大功率及大孔径光隔离器的最佳选择,避免激光系统的自聚焦和反射光而影响激光器稳定性和使用寿命,广泛用于磁光光纤隔离器、磁光衰减器、磁光开关、磁光调制器、各种高精度旋光仪,椭偏仪等磁光器件。

* 电子工业和玻璃器皿专用的各种高、中、低温封装、熔接玻璃粉及银桨用玻璃粉。

* 磁光电流传感器MOCT和其它光电产品的传感元件。

* 各种旋光仪/偏振计使用的高灵敏度、高稳定性的精密旋光元件。Faraday Rotator used for polarimeters.

Faraday Rotator Glass/ Magneto Optical Glass

Xi''an Aofa Optoelectronics Technology Inc.(XAOT) is leading manufacturer specialized in R&D a series of rare-earth doped glass/ faraday rotator glass/ magneto-optical glass with high Verdet constant and special photonics properties to meet the needs of various laser applications.

Owning sole intellectual property and Know-How of Faraday Rotator Glasses on melting, casting, fine-annealing and all that, they have very high Verdet constant, damage threshold, transparency properties as well as excellent homogeneity, extinction ratio and wide wavelength range with lower nonlinear refractive index than all other glassed alike on the market.

The glass is widely used especially in high-power optical rotator and isolator with large aperture, circulators, switches, polarimeters, magneto-optics sensor, high-power laser systems and other wanted Faraday Effect, etc.

* Paramagnetism Faraday Rotator Glass / Magneto Optical Glasses
Type MR3-2, Verdet constant -0.33 min/Oe-cm at 632.8nm or -96 rad /T*m at 632.8 nm
Type MR3, Verdet constant -0.34 min/Oe-cm at 632.8nm or -99 rad /T*m at 632.8 nm
Type MR4, Verdet constant -0.38 min/Oe-cm at 632.8nm or -110 rad /T*m at 632.8 nm
* Faraday Rotators Rods with high sensitive and steady are used for all kinds of magneto optical device and instruments.

We equipped with advanced production equipments including cutting, grinding, polishing, fine-annealing, coating, testing instruments and extensive facilities to offer from diameter 1.00 mm to 300 mm and thickness max.50 mm precision optics which are made of Faraday Rotator Glass.

The products have been distributed worldwide, being actual manufacturer, we enable to guarantee you the production to excellent quality, reasonable price and delivery on time.

Please visit our Website Http://www.xaot.com for details.

电话:86-029-83217659 传真86-029-83222377